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Sutter is

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People as a primary and irreplaceable resource:

Health and safety

Equality and growth

Work-life balance

Sutter isn’t just a chemical company. Sutter is a family.
With commitment and dedication, our people really make a difference day after day. For this reason, we take care of our people, so we can provide a healthy environment, an inclusive climate and the best balance between private and work life.

We believe that excellent results can only be achieved by cultivating the passion for their work and their will to take part in the company.
We say it with pride: we are a multinational company on a human scale!

Health and safety

We are a chemical company and, precisely for this reason, we pay the utmost attention to protecting the health and safety of our employees and the local community.

We are committed to preparing and maintaining safe and healthy work environments; disseminating and consolidating a culture of safety and health at work, developing risk awareness and promoting responsible behaviour on the part of collaborators, both internal and external.

For greater transparency and sharing of our values, in terms of health and safety of workers and environmental hazard prevention the company organizes personalized training sessions with employees from the onboarding phase. Finally, we dedicate one day a year to test in the field and improve our skills on health and safety issues together.

Our people can take advantage of the company canteen, where our chefs cook fresh and balanced dishes every day, to meet all nutritional needs. Relaxation and refreshment areas are also available at the company, with drinking water dispensers, herbal teas and fresh fruit to promote a healthy break.

Equality and growth

At Sutter, our guiding principles have always been:

• moral integrity, honesty, fairness, transparency;
• respect for people’s dignity and social equality;
• commitment to enhance all professional skills.

We guarantee and demand respect for the fundamental rights of individuals, protecting the dignity of each one, both internal and external, in every type of relationship.

We do not tolerate any kind of discriminatory behaviour, conditioning or harassment and we strive to ensure a place where everyone can work with serenity, without prejudice or preconceptions and where everyone can freely express their opinion.

To promote professional growth and development, we constantly activate training plans for all categories of employees.
We encourage programs for professional growth or for promoting talent and we activate business gaming initiatives to further stimulate team building, leadership, cohesion and inclusion activities.

We encourage the sharing of information and the sense of belonging at all levels of the company, aware that teamwork and integration among various functions are the essential conditions to pursue the objectives of the company.

Work-life balance

We care about the well-being of our people and for this reason we are committed to ensuring the best atmosphere at work and to promoting the correct balance between private and working life.

Every year, we enter into agreements with clinics, outpatient facilities, medical offices, opticians and dentists to facilitate specialist visits at discounted rates, even on our premises during the work day.

We try to convey the values of a healthy lifestyle to our employees, thanks to fitness courses held at the company as well as through agreements with local gyms, swimming pools and water parks.

To contribute to leisure time, we have reached agreements with agencies for travel proposals and vacation packages; not to forget the facilities for summertime activities for our employees’ children.

At Sutter we adopt Smart Working. Introduced during the pandemic period, we have decided to invest in an innovative way of working - hybrid, agile and by objectives.

SUTTER is Careers

We are a dynamic company with a tendency to look for new people to include in our team, in Italy or abroad.

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